On Monday, February 13th 2017, Klamath Lodge #77 had the honor of hosting Most Worshipful Brother Aurthor Borland, Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Oregon, and his wife Dale. We had a nice turnout of Masons, their families and members of the Eastern Star. Dinner was served at 6:15pm and was put on by the ladies of the Aloha Chapter of the Eastern Star. We also had another special guest with us that night. Worshipful Brother Darren McCarthy from Lodge of the White Rock No.7891 in Sussex, England was in attendance.
During dinner, a special recognition was given to Worshipful Brother Arnold Ellis. WB Ellis, up until this last year, had served as lodge secretary for 24 years. A plaque commemorating WB Ellis’ 24 years was presented to him by Worshipful Brother Steven Baker.
As our special guest who traveled all the way from England to join us that night, WB McCarthy was presented with a plaque as a memento of his visit to our lodge. MWB Art Borland then presented WB McCarthy with a hat and lapel pin.
After dinner, the men retired to the lodge room for the stated meeting.