You joined the lodge for a reason. Whatever the reason, be it camaraderie, self-enlightenment, family tradition, etc., there was a compelling reason why you're a member. Attend meetings and other functions, connect with other members of the Lodge, learn about the Lodge and how you can help us be better and most of all - have fun.
Help your lodge by getting involved. Here are five easy and enjoyable ways to do so:

Attend stated meetings.
Reconnect with brothers you haven’t seen or talked to in a long time. Give your input on agenda items. Your knowledge, opinion and vote are important to many of our discussions.

Come to our activities.
Join us at our bar-b-ques, dinners, and other special events. Relax and socialize with brothers, friends and family. Speaking of family, many of these events are family oriented, so be sure to bring your wife and kids.

Participate in Degrees
Any Master Mason who wishes to help out with degree work is welcome to do so. Being part of a degree team is a vital component to the lodge's future. Many of our current degree team members have done this for many years and, quite frankly, are getting up there in age. Physical limitations such as walking, poor eye sight, and hearing are taking their toll. Alternates to fill in for these brothers are very much needed.

Help with fundraisers
Volunteer to help with one of our many fundraising activities. It usually only requires a couple of hours of your time and we seem to have fun doing it!

Become a lodge officer
Step in line to take an officer's chair. One of the greatest contributions you can give to the lodge is taking a place of leadership within the lodge. In doing so, you will grow in masonic knowledge and experience.